Maya’s Loohole in Kaliyuga
🌺 Nitainam Gunjan, Lekhan, and Lilakirtan invoke kripa-siddhi in Harinam upon us.
🌺 Maya's most closely guarded secret is Nitainam as it awards prema in Harinam to offensive souls.
🌺 The only loophole in Kaliyuga is Nitainam as it bypasses the ten offenses in Harinam.
🌺 Harinam considers offenses.
Gauranam forgives offenses.
Nitainam ignores offenses.
So all need Nitainam to chant
pure Gauranam & Harinam.
🌺 Harinam is rasa, Kirtan is prema, Shravan is sphurti, Gunjan is prapti, and Lekhan is shuddhi.
🌺 Nitainam Lekhan is the preparation, Nitainam Gunjan is the purification, Harinam is the entry, and Nam-Lila Kirtan-Shravan is our participation in the pastimes.
🌺 When I chant Harinam, the sound of each name slowly reveals the forms of Radha Krishna behind it. When I resonate Nitainam, my mind slowly settles on and touches the limbs of Nitai’s form. When I mentally write Nitainam, each writing stroke removes the curtain from over the form in each namakshar, as it is being written.
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