๐ŸŒž What is Svarupa-siddha Bhakti, which includes everything else?

๐Ÿ“ฟ 1. Harinam Japa & Kirtan

๐Ÿ‘ 2. Nam-Lila Kirtan
๐Ÿ‘‚ 3. Nam-Lila Shravan & Reading
๐Ÿ—ฃ 4. Nitainam Gunjan
✍️ 5. Nitainam Lekhan

๐ŸŽฏ Harinam is rasa, Kirtan is prema, Shravan is sphurti, Gunjan is kama-vimukti, and Lekhan is shuddhi.

 ๐Ÿ‘ฅ Prachar is svarupa-siddha-bhakti to the extent we make others and ourselves do the above five during prachar.

๐ŸŒŽ เคนเคฐे 1-3 about Harinam Tattva is discussed on Nam.tv. 4 & 5 Nitai Tattva discussed here on Nitai.tv.

๐Ÿ—ฃ 4. Nitainam Gunjan

๐Ÿ™Œ Q. Why Nitainam Gunjan?
A. Nitainam Gunjan is the long calling out of Nitainam as a resonating kirtan for faster ruchi and kripa-siddhi in Harinam due to the all-forgiving and all-giving nature of Nitai, especially since the Panchtattva mantra is not allowed for more than a few times being not a shastric mantra. (nitai name aparadher vichar to nai he)

๐Ÿ˜‚ Q. How to do Nitainam Gunjan?
A. Resonatingly call out long “Nitaaaaaaai” slowly, with a long “ta” sound. Repeat it as long you like. You can also hear its recording in sync while doing it, or listen to it while doing other things.

๐Ÿ“š Q. Where is Nitainam Gunjan in the shastra?
A. It is the literal implementation of the direct universal instruction of Srila Narottam das thakur (Champak manjari gopi of Sri Radha and the dearmost associate of Sri Gaura): “‘Nitai’ na bolilo mukhe, majilo sansar sukhe”. You can also read the 30+ shastra proof in the Nitainam Proof book at Nitai.tv.

๐Ÿ“ฟ Q. Is Nitainam Gunjan done on a japa mala?
A. No. It does not need a mala or counter, as it is only Nitainam Kirtan.

๐Ÿ’ต Q. Does Nitainam Gunjan need diksha, money, or to follow someone?
A. No. Anyone can do this namkirtan freely, before or after Harinam, as Nitai is the first Ishtadev of all Gaudiyas of all rasas.

๐Ÿฅ Q. Are musical instruments needed since Nitainam Gunjan is a form of kirtan?
A. No. Only our mouth (bolilo mukhe) is enough, as the resonation itself is music.

✍️ 5. Nitainam Lekhan

๐Ÿ‘ Mental Writing of Nitainam for Harinam-siddhi, Kirtan-rasa, Gunjan-ruchi, and Shravan-sphurti.

๐Ÿ˜Œ Mentally write one-by-one and visualize the 10 strokes of “เคจिเคคाเค‡”, the Devanagari form of Nitainam, with closed or open eyes.

๐ŸŒน เคจि = Sambandha (4 strokes). Nitai finds, pleads, touches, embraces, glances, watches, shelters, and protects a soul who mentally writes เคจि.

๐ŸŒท เคคा = Abhidheya (4 strokes). Nitai begins purifying a soul who mentally writes เคคा by plowing and smashing away all the sinful mentality, anarthas, and offences. Then He awards that soul the direct vision of His form first, and then the form, service, and shelter of Gaura.

๐ŸŒบ เค‡ = Prayojana (2 strokes). And finally, to the soul who mentally writes เค‡, Nitai quickly grants us the aural reception of Krishna’s flute and then the prema-manifestation of Radha Krishna’s or Krishna Balarama’s forms, lila, and service as per our rasa.